Hours below in Athens local time
10.00-10.15 What if the sea really can? Matteo Maccanti and Morena Bruno – University of Siena.
10.15-10.30 Let’s imagine what could be Crete Region in 2030, Dr Nikolaos Stefanatos, Mechanical Engineer, Phd – Head of Wind Energy Department, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving.
10.30-10.40 How we turn imagination into reality? , Markos Damasiotis - Head of Development Programs Division, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving.
10.40-10.55 Mapping blue energy potential in Crete: main findings and criticalities, Federica Di Pietrantonio - Consultant for U-Space SL
10.55-11.10 Introducing Blue Energy in the energy strategy of Crete, Hrvoje Stančin - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
11.10-11.15 Blue Energy for carbon neutrality, Riccardo Pulselli - Indaco2
11.15-11.30 HCMR: paving the way for the blue growth in Crete, Dr Antonios Magoulas – Director, Hellenic Center for Marine Research
11.30-11.45 The importance of Blue Energy towards climate neutrality, National & European developments Dimitris Tsekeris - Energy Policy Officer, WWF Greece.
11.45-12.00 Blue Development and Coastal Tourism, Stratakis Arisitides - Regional Tourism Office, Directorate of Crete, Ministry of Tourism
12.00-12.15 Underwater cultural heritage and Blue Energy: perspectives and limits, Dr Theotokis Theodoulou - Marine Archaeologist, diver, Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Head of the Department of Crete
12.15-12.30 The importance of proper spatial planning of off-shore and coastal wind farms as a means of minimizing their impacts to seabirds and migratory soaring birds, Konstantina Ntemiri - Environmental Policy Officer, Hellenic Ornithological Society
12.30-12.40 Your opinion counts: Presentation of survey results on Blue Energy
12.40-13.00 Open discussion