BLUE DEAL project aims to increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of the Blue Energy sector, develop links and synergies between SME`s, public authorities, knowledge institutions and civil society and establish transnational and regional BLUE DEAL Alliances.
Leaded by the University of Siena, this project integrates 12 partners from 6 Mediterranean countries representing different actors in the field: universities (Department of Physical Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Siena and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb), sectoral agencies (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving of Greece, Cyprus Energy Agency), business support organizations (Business Innovation Centre of Valencia), SMEs (Dynamic Vision, INDACO2, Geoimaging Limited and U-SPACE Spain), interests groups (Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency) and national public authorities (National Agency of Natural Resources of Albania).
Ecodynamics Group is an interdisciplinary team of researchers founded by prof. Enzo Tiezzi at the Department of Earth, Environmental and Physical Sciences at the University of Siena; the aim of the group is to study and suggest sustainable development solutions, based on sustainability assessment.
UNIZG FSB has long tradition in the field of MRES, participating in several projects from energy field and performed several analysis on RES potential, prefeasibility studies for different energy installation, business plans for SMEs & energy analysis in big companies.
ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development.
Contact: Maria Vittoria Struglia, - Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 S.M. di Galeria - ROMA - Italy - T:+39-06-30486475 /
CRES is a public entity, supervised by the Ministry of Environment and Energy ; its main goal is the research and promotion of Renewable Energy Sources, Rational Use of Energy ) and Energy Saving applications at a national and international level, as well as the support of related activities.
Contact: Markos Damasiotis, Senior Project Manager - 19klm Marathonos Ave., GR 190 09, Pikermi - T: +30 210 6603325 - F: +30 210 6603301-302 /
CEEI Valencia is a business support organisation, which dedicates efforts and resources to help entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, turn those ideas into viable, successful and sustainable businesses.
Contact: Juan Pablo Torregrosa, International Project Manager - Avda. Benjamin Franklin 12, 46980 Paterna, Valencia (Spain) /
Dynamic Vision is oriented to offer unique and customized solutions to public & private institutions on a wide spectrum of professional domains, with hands-on management and consultation on funding/ financial mechanisms, supporting innovative ideas.
Contact: Ioannis I. Mardikis, Senior Project Manager - 8 Merlin Str. 10671 Kolonaki, Athens - T: +30 210 3611106 F: +30 210 3611156 /
INDACO2 is the acronym for Indicators, Assessments and CO2. Founded in 2013, performs consulting activities addressed to industry and institutions for a more sustainable development. Main competences include: supporting decisions through sustainability check and monitoring of systems-processes to promote more sustainable practices.
U-Space is a lab of ideas and provides services for urban & spatial planning, technical design and architecture, viability studies, landscaping and environmental assessment studies; develops and support of Geographic Information Systems to PA's activities; consultant renewable energy's field.
The Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (Claner) is a group of enterprise, official organisms, technological and research centers, universities and public foundations, among other agents. The representation and defense of the Andalusian energy sector stand out among its aims. renewable and energy efficiency.
The National Agency of Natural Resources (“AKBN”) reports to Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. AKBN mission is the development, supervision of rational use of natural resources, according to the government policy, and monitoring of natural Resources for all live time.