BLUE DEAL Technologies Expo
Onshore Wave Energy - Oscillating Floaters
The floaters draw energy from incoming waves by converting the rising and falling motion of the waves. The movement of the floaters is transferred via hydraulic pistons into the rotation of a generator, producing electricity. This technology can be embedded in existing piers and docks

Technical Description
Physical Requirements Bathymetry: ≥ 5 m
Wave height: 0.5-3 m
Wave power: 1-9 kW/m
Dimensions Floater dimension: 2-5 m
Arm length : 4-10 m
Interaxle spacing: >3 m
Technical aspects/100m Pier: Number of floaters: 25-33
Installed capacity each floater: 10-30 kW
Plant Installed capacity: 300-700 kW
Electricity production: 250-450 MWh/yr
Points of attention: - Productivity – actual wave energy potential
(variability and seasonality of wave characteristics such as height and frequency)
- Connection to the grid
- Possible impacts on marine ecosystems
- Possible impacts on navigation & fishing (interference with navigation routes)
- Maintenance costs (corrosion by seawater)
- Variability of wave direction
- Noise Pollution

Environment Visualization