16 Mar 2021

CRES promoted the BLUE DEAL Transferring Labs to the Intermediterranean Commission
The participants expressed great interest for the presented tools as well as for the Transferring Lab organization.

The Blue Growth Community, through CPMR (BGC's partner), and with the contribution of NTUA (BGC's partner), organizes an informative meeting for Greek Regions/members of the Intermediterranean Commission, in order to communicate the available tools produced by the Community's modular projects in different blue economy thematics.

During this meeting, the Blue Growth Community gathered representatives from four Greek Regions and communicated the available tools produced by the Interreg MED modular projects in different blue economy thematics.

Content for regional blue strategies development, educational schemes, circular economy practices and funding mechanisms were shared with the audience. The discussion focused on the importance of societal acceptance of blue energy and the strong need for a “bottom up” approach, maximizing the role of all parts of the quadruple helix.

In this framework, CRES promoted the first BLUE DEAL Transferring Lab that will be organized remotely, 12-19 April 2021. During this Lab, through a participatory process, possible scenarios for the development of Blue Energy projects in the island of Crete will be discussed, as they arise after the technical analysis carried out by BLUE DEAL team.

The participants expressed great interest for the presented tools as well as for the Transferring Lab organization.